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Work down the list (table variable)

ReplyThanks 2014/09/26 05:59:22 2 0

Hey all,

So lately I've been playing around with BotChief but I can't get this one thing done... Let's say I have this table variable with 1 column, in this column there are 4 rows:


4 rows are an example, most likely it'll be more like 500+, how can I get botchief to visit these websites in order? So first visit site1.com, do some actions then loop and go to site2.com, do some actions again and go to site3.com etc.

This is not only for visiting websites but also for posting content, or saving to file, how can I get it to save all rows to a file, instead of just 1 row?

Hope you can help me!

Kind Regards,


2014/09/28 03:03:23
1. You need set the table to be an init and global variable.
2. For example, the table has 3 columns(url,title,description), you can create 3 new local and store string variable named url_str, title_str, description_str
3. Create a Variable Operate command and select the table variable in the Variable Operate, then Select "Get value(s) from table" in the Processing way list. Then you can set the 3 string variables to get values from the 3 columns of the table, then checked the box "Remove row after get value(s)" and select "Remove row" or "Remove row and add the row to the last of the table" in the list.
4. Save it.

That is all. This way, whatever threads you use in botchief, every thread will use an unique new row every time.
Let's ROCK!
2014/09/28 13:29:23
That's great, thanks for your answer!
2017/12/11 11:00:53

Hi sorry too open this old thread. How do you do that exact thing but with a richtextbox through a form.

I'v been stuck on this for two days

So i guess I need help getting the list of emails in the 'richtextbox on my form' to go to a variable on my module, so I can loop change the email variable before it gets typed.

Thanks! Again sorry for opening old threads.

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