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2Captcha API Not Working

ReplyThanks 2020/05/14 13:00:54 0 0


I had Google captcha issues when I am using TrafficBotPro v2 and had insert 2Captcha API keys. I had funds within 2Captcha API and using StormProxies dedicated rotating proxies. However, with the API keys intact, I am still unable to solve Google captcha. Not only that, it did not give me enough time to resolve the captcha myself before closing.

Can I check is there a process that I did not do to allow 2Captcha to resolve Google's captcha?

Surbhi buha
2020/05/15 00:35:40
maybe i can help with that. are you getting any error? drop me a message or your skype id.
Dora Smith
2020/05/26 10:13:28


Rotating proxy is not recommended.

Please use highly anonymous http proxy.

The program has a function to automatically solve google captcha. Just fill in the apikey of your 2captcha account here. When the task runs, if captcha appears, the program will automatically solve it.

But usually we do not recommend the above method. If Google asks for, it means this ip has been detected, so in this case, the best solution is to change ip. Usually fresh proxy won't need to verify captcha.

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